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Boonsboro American Youth Soccer Organization - Region 482

Limiting Points Spread During Games

AYSO's goal is to promote soccer and make it enjoyable for all those involved. To help with this goal, AYSO has a policy to limit the points spread to 4 points. if your team is up by 3 or 4 points, you should make an effort to keep the gap from widening. This can be done in a number of ways that actually increase player development. Most of these ideas involve shifting focus of the game onto other skills such as passing, ball control, building out from the back, or switching sides of the field. I have listed a few ideas that may help, and some of these will be more applicable to certain age groups.

Teams should practice some of these techniques (practice games) during practice so they are familiar with it at game time, particularly stronger teams.

For 8U and below, even though you aren't keeping score, if it is obvious that one team is stronger than the other team you should implement these techniques in your game. Try to shift focus of that team away from scoring and toward other player development such as passing, or ball control.

The 3/4 Rule

Remember the 3/4 rule: all players should play 1/2 the game before another plays 3/4 and all play 3/4 before one plays the whole game. Also, remember to balance time between each game as well. If a player sat out more in one game, they should get to play more in the following game.

Tips Limit Points Spread to 4 Points

  • For players who score the majority of goals, make sure you are following the 3/4 rule. If so, then ask that player to pass the ball to other players instead of shooting on goal.
  • Have the players pass 5 or more times before shooting on goal.
  • Make up any game where the objective is something other than scoring. This works well for younger players since it removes the objective of making goals.
  • Whenever you team gains possession, have them pass it back to the defense and build out from there each time.
  • Players can only use their non-dominant foot for passing and shooting
  • Players must shoot from halfway or outside the penalty box.
  • Get creative. Talk to other coaches or your coordinator about age appropriate suggestions for challenging your team. Feel free to share any ideas you may have.

Tips on What Not To Do

  • Do not move all of your strong players into defense or load up the defense as this only perpetuates the problem and prevents the other team from having a chance of scoring.
  • Do not simply tell your team they "cannot score".  It becomes obvious they are not trying, and does nothing to improve player development for either team. As mentioned above, give them another objective to take focus away from scoring.
  • Most importantly, don't make it obvious to your team or the other team that you are trying to limiting the score. Changing the focus away from making goals and onto another skill is a great way to limit the score in a discrete manner.

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Boonsboro American Youth Soccer Organization Region 482

Boonsboro AYSO, PO Box 102
Boonsboro, Maryland 21713

Email Us: [email protected]
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